About Us

Our passion project with Aussie Parrotlets is essentially about sharing the joy of a connection with a special bird that brings a lot to the table:

  • beautiful colours
  • energy, curiosity and personality
  • being among the quietest pet birds, thus being neighbor-friendly
  • the smallest of all pet birds

Although relatively new to Australia, parrotlets have been popular pets in the U.S for forty years, with Pet Central naming parrotlets in their Top 10 best pet birds list. Now it’s Australia’s turn!

We work extremely hard to ensure our birds enjoy optimum physical and mental health. We achieve this with these measures: our birds are exclusively housed indoors, fed an expertly designed daily diet and supplements, given access to enrichment items, large flights, regular veterinary examinations, preventative healthcare, careful management of breeding records, no more frequent than annual breeding per breeding pair, and of course, daily handling of our hand raised babies.

It’s not just important to us to manage our birds well. We want you to succeed too! To this end, we have sourced the very best products for you, and we’ve even created new ones where nothing existed.

Firstly, the BEST seed on the market (by far!) is Premium Bird Seed. We cannot stress more the importance of a low fat, fortified seed like this unique product. It’s no different to why bread is fortified in our diets. This seed avoids common dietary deficiencies and reduces the obesity risk for seed eaters with ease! This is the staple of our parrotlet’s diets.

Additionally, fresh foods (i.e. “chop”) are crucial to your parrotlet living a long and healthy life. In fact, this is a species that needs fresh foods every day. Making this food is not a realistic proposition for an owner of a single bird, so Small Parrot Chop, is our very own solution, that’s made in house with everything your bird needs from fresh foods in convenient daily portions.

We are based in Redbank Plains, QLD, however most of our parrotlets are adopted interstate. To enable new owners to adopt their new parrotlet with confidence, we welcome video calls from interested parties wishing the meet their potential new pet interacting with us in our 3.6 metre long training enclosure. This is the way in which we are able to introduce these amazing birds to new owners across most of the country.

We have flown our hand raised parrotlets to airports in most cities and towns in QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and the NT for the last six years, with 100% happy birds and new owners. You’ll find further information regarding this on our Hand Raised Babies page.

We loved our first parrotlets when we acquired them seven years ago, and we know you will too. If a parrotlet is the right pet for you, we hope to bring the joy of a parrotlet to your home soon!

Best regards,

Matt & Deb

Aussie Parrotlets